The dedicated team at Catholic Housing Management including Juana Mejia and David D’Amico saw an opportunity to further serve their residents and they dove right in with the help of their fantastic consultant, Gates Kellett at the Gates Development Group.  The enthusiastic Centennial dream team included  Sheryldene Rogers, Julie Ellithorpe, Jennifer Heckaman, Cindy Ross and Sunny Fitzgerald. The legal teams at Krooth and Altman and J. Patrick Fitzgerald & Associates, P.A. brought the whole transaction across the finish line.


With the FHA 223f refinance and Mark Up to Market renewal of their Section 8 HAP contract, the property is positioned to provide another 20 years of affordable housing and the sponsor can carry on with other, much needed affordable housing in the Miami area.  We wish them the very best and welcome them to the Centennial family!


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