Categories Centennial Mortgage
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What is the meaning of an FHA Number?
Categories Interest Rates
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Chinese government encourages Chinese investors to put money in the Shanghai Composite to support pandemic economic recovery.
Categories Centennial Mortgage
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In light of recent national events, we have been provided with an opportunity to reflect on how we deal with race in our daily work as mortgage professionals. One area that can have an immediate impact is to eliminate the use of certain terminology that has racist origins.
Categories Interest Rates
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Covid-19 has infected over 10 million people worldwide and deaths have exceeded half a million.
Categories Interest Rates
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The equity markets continue to strengthen as the economy reopens. This strength in the equity markets is usually followed by an increase in the 10 year Treasury rate but the surge of COVID-19 cases in the Southern States is dampening investor enthusiasm leading to little upward pressure.
Categories 221(d)(4), Centennial Mortgage
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35 Club is an upscale apartment development providing high quality, energy-efficient housing in a central urban location.
Categories Interest Rates
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Equity markets and 10 Year Treasury rates decline as COVID-19 cases increase
Categories HUD Regulations
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On June 4, 2020, HUD issued its annual update to Statutory Mortgage Limits effective as of January 1, 2020, via notice in the Federal Register. And, on June 5, 2020, HUD issued a Mortgagee Letter updating its Annual Base City High-Cost Percentages and Hight Cost Areas also effective January 1, 2020.
Categories Interest Rates
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Investors are responding positively to the economic rebound following the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions which is resulting in a surge in equities.
Categories Interest Rates
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Civil unrest is hampering the reopening of cities causing further damage to the economy and resulting in a lower 10-year treasury rate.
Categories Centennial Mortgage
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Centennial Mortgage Underwriters and Originators are disappointed that so many of the Regional Lender Conferences have had to cancel their in-person meetings during 2020 for reasons related to Covid-19.
Categories Interest Rates
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Interest rates fluctuate daily but generally move in tandem with the 10 Year United States Treasury rate. However, in times of great economic or political uncertainty, the HUD and USDA mortgage rates can move higher, even as Treasury Rate drops.