This 223(f) Refinance amounted to $16,285,700. The project was originated by Vice President of Affordable Housing, Sunny Fitzgerald.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, CMI Team, Industry Event
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NEXT STOP: The Lone Star State ⭐
The Centennial Mortgage, Inc. team including, Raelee Jones, Bill Arnold , Debbie Gray and Ceheira Johnson hit the trail for a stop in Fort Worth for the 17th Annual SWAC Conference.
The Centennial Mortgage, Inc. team including, Raelee Jones, Bill Arnold , Debbie Gray and Ceheira Johnson hit the trail for a stop in Fort Worth for the 17th Annual SWAC Conference.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, CMI Team, Industry Event
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Categories 221(d)(4), Closings, CMI Team, Elderly Housing
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Emerson Manor is a 35 unit elderly project in Wenatchee, WA.
This 221(d)(4) Substantial Rehabilitation amounted to $5,272,500. The project was originated by Vice President of Affordable Housing, Sunny Fitzgerald.
This 221(d)(4) Substantial Rehabilitation amounted to $5,272,500. The project was originated by Vice President of Affordable Housing, Sunny Fitzgerald.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, CMI Team
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This month, our very own Raelee Jones, Bill Arnold, Joe Spina, Connor Danigelis and Pierce DeMarco met up in the Lone Star State of Texas.
Categories 223(f), Centennial Mortgage, Closings, CMI Team
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The Housing Authority of Livingston Tennessee and their Executive Director, Ken Mabery had a dream to not only preserve their existing public housing via a RAD Conversion, but to develop more affordable housing.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, Healthcare, HUD Regulations
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Federal Housing Administration and HUD Office of Housing has announced new "Green Mortgage Insurance Premium" reductions for Residential Care Facilities.
Categories 223(f), Centennial Mortgage, Closings, CMI Team
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Fairmont Arbors is a 119 unit elderly project in Fairmont, WV.
Categories 223(a)(7), Centennial Mortgage, Closings, CMI Team
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Noble Towers Apartments is a 132 unit project in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, CMI Team
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Centennial Mortgage, a specialized affordable multifamily and healthcare lender for over 45 years, congratulates Bill Arnold on his recent promotion to Deputy Chief Underwriter for HUD and USDA loan programs.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, CMI Team
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2022 marks the 54th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act, the landmark civil rights law signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on April 11, 1968, that made discrimination in housing transactions unlawful.