Categories Interest Rates
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The market is looking for clues from the Federal reserve meeting minutes that will be issued today for signs of when potential tapering of bond purchases will occur.
Categories 223(a)(7), Centennial Mortgage, Closings
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Nikkei Senior Gardens is a 78 unit assisted living project out of Arleta, California. The 232-223(a)(7) amounted to $13,992,900. The loan was closed on Wednesday, March 31 by James Lewin.
Categories Interest Rates
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The 10 Year US Treasury yields opened at 1.69% which is the same as last Monday, March 22, 2021.
Categories Centennial Mortgage
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Centennial Mortgage is pleased to welcome David Bartlett back to the team as a Senior MAP Underwriter. David received his HUD MAP lender approval while working at Oppenheimer Financial in 2013.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, Interest Rates
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Bond yields settled in as Federal Reserve Chairman Powell commented this weekend that the Fed would do whatever was necessary to support the economy “as long as it takes.”
Autumn Park – Washington is a 48 unit project out of Shenandoah, IA. The 223(f) amounted to $1,880,000. The loan was closed on 3/18/2021 by Mike McCullough.
Categories Interest Rates
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The third round of stimulus was approved last week and the markets quickly reacted with an increase in the 10 years treasury yield.
Categories HUD Regulations
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Centennial Mortgage is looking forward to positive trends for affordable housing with the recent confirmation of Marcia Fudge as the new Secretary of the Department of Housing and Development and based on the appointment of Ethan Handelman as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing.
Categories Interest Rates
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Treasury yields continue to inch upward as the Fed continues to issue billions of dollars in bonds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Categories 221(d)(4), HUD Regulations, USDA
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Having had the honor of working with the Upper Shore Aging Housing Corporation (USAHC) on the preservation financing of 5 of their other 202 elderly housing projects, CMI was happy to assist the Executive Director Norman Davidson and the consultant Gates Kellet Dunaway on Perry Villa.
Categories Interest Rates
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Massive stimulus, huge deficits and high levels of bond issuance needed to keep the US solvent is why the 10 year treasury rate continues to tend up.
Categories Centennial Mortgage, USDA
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The temporary halt in residential evictions originally issued by CDC has been extended through March 31, 2021.